Andersons Turf International



Turf Nutrition Tool



The Andersons offer to you this optimized tool for the nutrition of the turf. With this tool you can planify the anual necessitys of your turf, for a correct maintanance and better health. Many responsables to maintanance the turf find the way to save money in the fertilize estimate, is using the TNT with the Andersons technologic products.





All you need is this tool in your computer, but you must have the Microsoft Excel 97 or new versions. Before open the archive, we recomended to enter in Excel and click in tools/macro/ security… after that, put in the low level of security and acept, like you see in the pict. 01


Turf Nutrition Tool








After open the TNT archive (pict. 02) choose the language (English, Spanish, Portuguese) in the next step select “greens” or “fairwais” is just down of the select language (like in pict.03)



With this way you correspond the product and the use.

If your plan is use the TNT in the both spaces Fairways/sport fields and greens, you can have two copys and select one for the greens and other archive for Fairways/ sport fields








After selecte Greens or Fairways, choose the climatic region in the map.

Then selecte the quantity for week that you needs of nitrogen in the menú.

Objective of Nitrogen for week

Selecte the hectarea





Ahora usted puede seleccionar un producto en una de las ventanas de uso, seleccionando un producto del menú (véase Fig.5) y después escribir los gramos de producto deseados en cada aplicación. Inmediatamente debajo de la célula de la cantidad del uso, sea la cantidad del nitrógeno, se calcula que. También, usted observará que el gráfico ahora mostrará la liberación del nitrógeno (Línea Verde fina) y la respuesta típica del césped en su crecimiento (barras verdes) para el producto seleccionado y su cantidad en gramos. Repita simplemente esta acción hasta que usted tenga un programa de fertilización anual con la nutrición total deseada. (La nota - la lista de producto puede aparecer en blanco - deslice simplemente la barra del menú para arriba hasta que la lista del producto sea visible)


The information presented with this tools belongs to a large datebase (information) of Andersons Inc, and you only have used them like a guide in the nutrition planing of your turf. Diferents situation can influed in the plan of nutrition, like for example the variation of humidity in the soil, the unusual temperature and the type of soil. With this tool is a simple way for you have a anual fertilizing plan, it will brings you a very good results. You will reduce the planing time and you will have a better quality in your installation.






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